Find & Love Yourself!!

Today is the day to let go of things which you have hide somewhere in corner of your heart. Don't let it pass for tomorrow or don't try to console your heart by other excuses. The day you gave some excuses, remember everything will be collpased there itself. And you will pile up  feelings in your heart one above the other. Which will shatter you one day.

Try finding the solutions, try finding YOU. Your heart will speak up. Your instincts will tell you everything, just follow it. I know it's not easy. It needs courage. Some memories to be buried, some new adventures to overcome, some loved ones to be left behind and some risky things to conquer. That journey is tough but so are you.

The very first point in finding yourself:
  • Say if something is bothering you. Just don't stack your tiny little heart with so many things. It can't hold much dear. So say. Speak. Release it as early as you can. Because one day it will bombard by itself if you don't do it and those consequences may differ.
  • Start loving yourself the way you are. If others don't like you, it's perfectly okay. Life is not about pleasing everyone. Just please yourself that is enough.
  • Just do your best. Let go other things. If you are trying hard that is enough dear.
  • Stop others acceptance towards your life. Stop picturising yourself by likes and dislikes of social media or just stop hunting yourself in others. That's it.
  • Start loving your own company.
  • Start writing your own story. You are the real hero of your own life.
  • Have patience. The most important tool of it.

Most important thing. It won't change in a day. It will take time. May be you won't succeed at first. May be you have to try hundreds of times. May be you need to rewind back. May be you will loose hope in yourself. May be you will feel like giving up. But remember when you will go through all this, it is saying you to listen to your heart. It is saying you just face it and overcome your fear. And it's okay to feel that. It's perfectly okay, it's a phase which is making you stronger. It's a way of healing process. It can't be always positive right, sometimes we have to challenge and overcome negative things to find yourself. And recall yourself that Everything comes at cost, so for finding yourself we have to pay that cost.

So heal yourself by finding YOU. The most beautiful mystery on this earth is finding YOU. And the day you will find yourself you will achieve the most beautiful asset for your body. That is peace, tranquility and calmness of mind, that everyone craves for.♥️


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